The Story...

Zach and I met back in April at an Umphrey's McGee after party at a Senior Citizen/Assisted Living Home. The show itself ( Umphrey's McGee, Royal Oak, MI 3.12.09 ) was solid. It was my 12th time seeing the band. Prior to that night; I had not really dug their music... It was ok, I just didn't see what all the hype was about... Until that evening. Following the show, I was sitting on a couch at the party being handed all sorts of misc. items, When a young man/child approached me and sat down on the couch. After a long conversation about music, substances, tour and life; I knew that this would not be the last I saw of this kid. But what I didn't know was that I would eventually become the closest of friends with this cat, as well as live, travel & wook out with him... to the insane extent that we did.

We bonded over Music, Jambase, and essentially a lifestyle of telling it like it was and spacin' the fuck out.

So, as it goes, we've parted ways; Zach living in Ann Arbor, MI and myself living in Seneca Falls, NY.

Together we hope to post what we consider to be relevant news (tour, dates, and reviews), as well as our favorite heady links, and wookshots.

We hope that you enjoy, and find "The HeadStash" to be relevant.

-The J-man

Photo Credit: Rex Thomson


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