A Review: The Henhouse Prowlers

... I'm going to start by saying that this review is going to be a bit unorthodox as I was not in attendance, physically. However with the internet, so many things are possible... Such as streaming The Henhouse Prowler's show on Hiddenrelic.net. With this possibility it was hard for me not to review a show that involved one of my favorite bands, my buddy Joey's company, and my good friend Rex taking photos.

There have been several incarnations of the group, but I must say; the current incarnation sounds energized and extremely well composed. Ben wright does a great job of leading the music with clean picking, that the body finds irresistable to move to. As well his vocals seem so fit for the music that whether singing lead or harmony his recognizable voice holds strong. Ryan Hinshaw, lends his talents on the fiddle as well as vocals bringing to the table some really tradtional sounding melodies. Jon Golfine holds down the low end and offers up vocals on a few of my favorites including Carolina moon. The newest member of the band Eric Lambert on guitar, plays an extremely clean lead as well as some great bluegrass rhythym. His constant smiles reflect a certain contentness with his new found group.

That night in Indiana the instrument slinging Prowlers came out on fire...Pushing the bounds of traditional bluegrass, with an apparent respect for it's traditions, represented by suits and an old school meets new school style. That night in Indy, the Prowlers zipped through some of my favorites. Their picking tight, vocals clean, and energy as high if not higher than any bluegrass band I have ever seen. The Prowlers put on a show that few in attendance will forget. Show by show the Prowlers are gaining fans and momentum as they head towards the festival season and a thick touring schedule that extends to Colorado and back.

It's not often that you get to see bluegrass music with colorful lights, a smoke machine and a Psychedelic background... with the Prowlers it's almost fitting... it reminded me of another Chicago Bluegrass band, who's name at the moment escapes me...

For me the show took an interesting turn when the banjo player, Ben Wright had the Friday night crowd give me a shout out... Followed by calling me lazy and endorsing a collegue of mine for "Mayor of moe.down"... Bastards.

The highlight of the night for me was by far their version of the Beatles "Helter Skelter"...

As a "Bluegrass Boy" I am a lover of all bluegrass music, from traditional to newgrass... For me, it doesn't get any better than the Prowlers. they are the perfect combination of old school and new school bluegrass. I can say with great confidence The Henhouse Prowlers are one of the best bluegrass bands out there, with an inevitable date with Bluegrass Stardom.

Mark my words; this year, 2010, is "The Year of The Prowlers".


Photos By: Rex Thomson




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