Words By J-man
Family FUNKtion and the Sitar Jams at Nietzsche's 3.11.2011 <--- Direct Archive Link
Family Funktion & Sitar Jams have turned it up, scheduling more dates than in recent history. Their blend

Naryan Padmanabha's sitar playing takes the listener outside of the classic realm to a realm of chaos and captivation. Ravi Padmanabha's drumming reflects that of a straight jazz player. When coupled with the sitar, it offers a unique groove. Aneal Padmanabha's bass playing is funky and focused, holding together the rhythmic components of their songs. Together the Padmanabha brothers are a creative powerhouse, waiting to break onto the scene.
Their recent set from Nietzsche's

For me, the highlight of the show came with a version of "Eastern Step", a song that I personally named for the band. I was surprised to see the song pop up on the setlist from the show.
As I have said before, "Family Funktion is a band who's groove is only surpassed by their innovation. They have a way of taking you to outerspace and leaving you on the moon with a discoball."
Backyard Barefoot Boogie, Shanghai Tourbus, Eastern Step, Kolkata Krackdrown, ABC
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