Toubab Krewe 1.22.12

Bluebird Theater
Denver, CO

Words By J-man
Photos & Video By Carly Marthis & J-man

It was just one year prior that I took my girlfriend, Carly Marthis, to her first Toubab Krewe show. She assisted me in conducting an interview with Justin Perkins and Luke Quaranta backstage and when showtime finally came I turned to Carly to gage her reaction, as she had never heard the band play one note. As they began, I thought Carly was going to lose it. She was blown away and following that night, Toubab Krewe became one of her favorite bands. Their return to Denver marked Carly's first opportunity to see Toubab following her discovery and what a fantastic night of music it was!

Our evening began downstairs/backstage with Justin Perkins and special guest, Faisal Salahuddin, working out some material. Their sounds were very unique and pure...

As show time approached, members of Toubab wandered downstairs and joined in on the warm up. 10:30 pm rolled around and Toubab hit the stage to the adoring Denver crowd. Their sound was incredible and had The Bluebird Theater moving. The combination of stringed instruments and percussion was thrilling and very roots-oriented. The tonal quality of the instruments was staggering as Justin's Cora resonated brightly. Drew Heller tore apart his guitar with well calculated precision and style. Luke Quaranta added an immeasurable contribution with his Djembe. David Pransky's bass playing was heavy and funky coupling well with Vic Stafford's drumming.

Toubab is by far one of the purest and most unique bands on our scene and that night in Denver we were treated to an incredible display of musicianship, innovation and energy. Their utilization of roots instruments coupled with electric guitars and keys has only further expanded and deepened their sound. The addition of Faisal to the group brought yet another bright and exciting layer to the table. He seemed to mesh as if he had played with Toubab often. Folks danced, folks smiled and folks got their money's worth. That night (as is the case with every Toubab Krewe show that I have seen) I didn't hear one complaint leaving the Bluebird. Folks love Toubab... and I am one of those folks.

Carly & J-man's Photo Gallery


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