Aggie Theatre
Fort Collins, CO
Words By Nicholas Stock (Fat Guerilla Productions)
Photos By Derek Miles (Miles Photography)
Audio By Scott Schneider

His current project which was on display at The Aggie Theatre was simply called K I M O C K. The core of the band consisted of Steve and his son John Morgan Kimock on drums and percussion. This endeavor features new compositions inspired by his most recent album Last Danger of Frost and features the unbelievably good Bobby Vega on bass as well as, Leslie Mandelson on keys and vocals. The father and son came to the stage as the audience remained still. I, not wanting to be rude, clapped ardently which prompted a few others to do the same. Steve smiled to himself and told the attentive crowd a story about giving some overly enthusiastic applause for a cellist in a church and being scolded for doing so as he retreated. The entire concert felt like a steady incline, but in reality there was incredible ebb and flow. The two Kimocks began the night with some acoustic improvisation that was so delicate you could hear the slightest cough in the background. For once I saw a Colorado crowd lean in to listen.
Steve Kimock Live at Aggie Theatre on 6.3.16
Set One: Banter, Acoustic Improvisation*> Surely This Day, Careless Love, High and Lonesome, Variation, Come Back My Love, Orson
Set Two: Satellite City, Live of the Party, Bobby Vega’s Muhamad Ali Eulogy, Fingernail Boogie, Mother’s Song, Queen Jane Approximately, My Favorite Number
Encore: Hillbillies on PCP
After some ethereal guitar work from the master, Vega and Mandelson slipped on stage for “Surly This Day.” Leslie’s subtly beautiful vocals on “Careless Love” had an arresting effect on the audience. The classic instrumental Kimock composition “High and Lonesome” was a huge highlight for the diehard fans in the room. Mendelson again lent her voice on a massive “Variation.” Kimock called “Come Back My Love” an Ali Akbar Pop Tune…. done in a surf style.” They closed the first set with a world beat rendition of “Orson.”
Mendelson took the spotlight on the rocking second set opener “Satellite City,” which she co-wrote with Steve and his son. K I M O C K is a shapeshifting amalgamation of musical genius transposed through forty plus year of experience. The senior Kimock keeps the music utterly fresh and novel with the inclusion of Leslie and the stalwart bus driver Bobby Vega. John Kimock has matured into a solid drummer with the same sense of nuance as his father.
Word of a fallen legend slowly percolated through the crowd before Mr. Vega eulogized Mohamad Ali with a powerful bass solo. The “Fingernail Boogie” was another Leslie led number that took on a bluesy, rockabilly tone with the organ under the spotlight. The instrumental “Mother’s Song” built beautifully before they went into a version of Bob Dylan’s “Queen Jane Approximately.” The fans were delighted to help Mendelson by singing along. K I M O C K closed the second set with a spacey “My Favorite Number.” The band returned to encore with the now classic KVHW tune “Hillbillies on PCP.” So what happens when the Phenom ages? He passes his wisdom on to his son and he spends his time doing what he loves. Steve Kimock is a living legend and a guitar god. While some may find this ensemble to be a more stripped down affair, I find this to be some his purest work. He is pulling from his impressive career spanning four decades stylistically while continuing to push the boundaries musically. Now go pray to the guitar gods that Mr. Kimock and his band of merry travelers makes a trip to your hometown.
Derek's Photo Gallery
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