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Consider The Source & Genetics 11.3.18

Hodi's Half Note
Fort Collins, CO

Words & Photos by Nicholas Stock (Fat Guerilla Productions)

Colorado is a wonderful place for live music. It’s just that simple. The majestic beauty of the Front Range coupled with its convenience as a stopping point for any given tour means we are utterly flush with concerts most nights of the week. That also means sometimes shows don’t get the attention they deserve. There was maybe a hundred souls in and out of Hodi’s Half Note on Friday night. The fact remains that given the caliber of music on the stage this show should have been a sell out. Consider The Source is a wild ride through progressive jam music with a focus on the sounds of the Far East. Genetics puts on an utterly distinctive concert experience taking viewers on a sonic journey through a myriad of musical landscapes.

Set One: Now That’s What I Call Music, Hexagonal, Harlequin, Space Peach> Massive, Air Blower, Moose

Genetics offered up a fresh batch of tunes including some that will be featured on an unannounced, forthcoming album. They started the night with a classic switcheroo during “Now That’s What I Call Music.” Jeff Ervine abandoned his guitar trading places with Nat Snow who normally plays drums for an extended opening jam. The music was deep and dark from these road tested veterans. Phil Johnson, the most recent member of the band, on keys was on point throughout the show. The tune “Hexagonal” was possibly a nod to their own name, but regardless it was a psychedelic circus jam featuring some gritty bass work from Mr. Joel Searls. This is obviously a new Genetics with fresh material ready to go. They wrapped up their powerhouse set with an unbelievable rendition of Jeff Beck’s “Air Blower” followed by a massive “Moose.”

Consider The Source, the self described “Sci-Fi Middle Eastern Fusion” band, is a power trio hailing from New York City. They are a full frontal musical assault on the senses. Gabriel Marin plays a double neck fretless guitar with an unbelievable array of pedals and effects at his feet. The sounds he creates live are unheard anywhere else. John Ferrara uses a slap style on the 5-string bass that is mesmerizing while drummer Jeff Mann holds it all together.

Set One: Moisturize The Situation, I’ll Fight for the Imp, It Is Known, Tihai For The Straight Guy, Sketches From A Blind Man, You Won a Goat!, Complex Complex , Unfulfilled and Alienated, Keep Your Pimp Hand Strong*

Encore: Absence of a Prominent Tooth**

*Bass Solo
**Drum Solo

They opened with the space plink-o jam “Moisturize The Situation.” Did I mention they have the best names for songs? “I’ll Fight for the Imp” was a pulsating rock tune punctuated by stellar work form the rhythm section. “It Is Known” was a bit of a breather before the rapid fire jams during “Tihai For The Straight Guy.” This song was the first time it felt like there was an actual sitar in the room… but there wasn’t one present. I checked. Marin has the ability to morph his sound into anything and that includes the music of the Far East coupled, extraterrestrial, Surf, rock, funk, and so much more. He is all over the map and I mean that in the best way possible. “Sketches From A Blind Man” was an ethereal jam anchored by Ferrara’s heavy bass lines. “You Won a Goat!” featured the undeniable talents of Mann behind the kit. Consider The Source would be an excellent Bar Mitzvah band if all of the kids were on acid… that’s the thought I had around this point in the show. Mann utilized a series of samples and effect pads during “Complex Complex,” before the entire band went insane on a new track entitled “Unfulfilled and Alienated.” Ferrara treated us to an extended bass solo into the show wrapping space funk tune “Keep Your Pimp Hand Strong.” Consider The Source returned to the stage to encore with the soaring CTS classic “Absence of a Prominent Tooth.” Consider The Source is a truly unique experience. Simply put, there are no other bands out there doing what they do. They are consummate musicians with a deep knowledge that manifests itself onstage in the form of jaw dropping jams and ridiculous solos. Consider The Source is an incredible way to spend an evening; I highly recommend checking them out.

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